List of Ingredients
Some of these recipes call for a 15x10 jelly roll pan....this means the sides must be at least an inch high.I don't have have one of these and neither do most of my friends. You cannot use a rimmed cookie sheet with a half inch rim because it will overflow. I have a 9x13, a12x16x2, and a 12x 17 jelly roll pan. For cake-like batters I go with one of the lager ones (more cookies) and for really thick ones or press in the pan things , I go smaller.
For most recipes the 9x13 will work for any type. Theresa's Brownies however, will not bake properly in the smaller pan. If you can't go bigger with these you can use 2 pans...a 9x13 and an 8x8 will work, an 8x12 and an 8x8 would be better (check your Pyrex). You can also find foil pans the right size.
When you use glass pans, remember to lower the temperatue by 25 degrees.