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    About Whipped Cream

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    Recipe Introduction

    Have you tried putting the bowl
    and the beaters in the fridge to
    chill before beating the Whip Cream.
    I have always done this and the
    cream whips have really firm

    This is everything I have on stabilizing whipped cream.I always copy everything I see to help beat the heat!
    Whipping Cream Hints and Tips
    Chill your beaters and bowl if possible and then just pour your cream into the bowl and start
    beating until it starts to thicken and then add sugar and vanilla and keep beating until soft
    peaks form.
    The amount of sugar and vanilla is different according to amounts of cream. For
    the small container of cream, add about three TBSP of sugar and about a teaspoon of
    Stabilize it. By doing this, the whip cream will hold longer and you can make it up to 24 hours ahead, refrigerate, and will only lose about a tablespoon of liquid. this recipe and it works well.

    Whipping Cream, Stabilized Whip Cream
    1 C. heavy cream or whipping cream
    2 Tablespoons confectioners sugar
    1 teaspoon cornstarch
    In small saucepan, place confectioners sugar and cornstarch. Mix to blend
    Add GRADUALLY, 4 Tablespoons or 1/4 c. of the cream, stirring all the while to blend.
    Bring to a boil, stirring constantly to dissolve the cornstarch and sugar, and cook until thick.
    Remove from heat and let cool to room temp.
    Place the cooled mixture in bottom of mixing bowl.
    Gradually beat in the remaining 3/4 c. cream.
    Continue beating until still peaks form.
    This can be doubled if needed.

    They may say frosting in the title but to
    me are just flavored whip creams “

    Whipping Cream, Whipped Cream Frosting
    2 teaspoons cold water
    1/4 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
    1/2 cup whipping cream
    1 tablespoon sugar
    In a 1 cup glass measuring cup combine cold water and gelatin. Let stand 2 minutes. In a small saucepan bring about 2 inches water to
    boiling. Place measuring cup in saucepan of boiling water. Heat and stir about 1 minute or till the gelatin is completely dissolved. Remove.
    In a bowl beat whipping cream and sugar with an electric mixer on medium speed while gradually drizzling the gelatin over the cream
    mixture. Continue beating till stiff peaks form.
    Makes 1 cup frosting.

    Whipping Cream , Chocolate Whipped Cream Frosting
    Prepare Whipped Cream Frosting as directed except increase sugar to 4 teaspoons. Mix the sugar with 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa
    powder before beating with the cream
    Whipping Cream , Sweetened Whip Cream
    Whip until stiff 1 c whipping cream
    Fold in 1/2 tsp vanilla ( you can use customized extracts to flavor various ways)
    3 TB sifted(please sift the powdered sugar!)
    powdered sugar you can use 2 tsp honey instead of the powdered sugar Makes 2 and 1/2 - 3 c of Sweetened Whipped
    Cream for Cream Horns
    use powdered sugar instead of regular sugar the cream doesn't turn watery.
    Stabilized Whipped Cream, Wilton’s
    1 Teaspoon unflavored gelatin
    4 Teaspoons cold water
    1 Cup heavy whipping cream -- (chilled)
    1/4 Cup confectioners' sugar
    1/2 Teaspoon clear vanilla -- * See Note
    (if you don't have it, use regular, but your frosting will not be as white).
    Combine gelatin and cold water in a small saucepan. Let stand until thick. Place over LOW heat, stirring constantly until gelatin dissolves (about 3 minutes).
    Remove from heat and cool slightly.
    Whip cream, sugar and vanilla until slightly thickened. While beating slowly, gradually add gelatin to whipped cream mixture. Whip at high speed until stiff.

    After you whip your cream with any sugar and/or flavorings, but whipped cream in a clean coffee filter in a strainer with a bowl underneath and keep it in the refrigerator. Any liquid that comes out will drip into the bowl and keep your whipped cream fresh and not wilting.

    If I remember correctly, you should be able to store your whipped cream for at least 24 hours this way with no problem. Just put it on your cake just before serving.
    My friend always buys little packages of something called "Whipped Cream Stabilizer" as she makes a lot of specialty tortes with real whipped cream. Hers are alway beautiful.

    I cheat and use some Dream Whip with my real whipped cream as it seems to hold up better.

    add a teasp. of instant pudding. using instant pudding, except i use a whole box, oh yeah a 6-ounce package which I forgot to mention.




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