Nutmeg Sauce for Peach Cobbler
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
This can also be used with other cobblers. My grandmother made this and she would be 148 years old now. Thank goodness my mother kept the recipe. It is an old southern one and not many have ever heard of it. BCS
List of Ingredients
2/3C Sugar
pinch of salt
1/2tsp Fresh grated Nutmeg
2tsp cornstarch
1 C boiling water
1-3" piece thin orange peel
2Tbsp brandyORGrand Marnier Recipe
Place sugar, nutmeg, cornstarch and salt in a qt. saucepan. Stir well and add boiling water. Add orange peel and let boil gently for 10 minutes. Set aside until ready to serve.
This can be made the day before serving and leave peel in overnight. Remove peel and reheat (do not boil) and add either the brandy or Grand Marnier. Serve warm over peach cobbler.