Honeybaked� Ham Glaze From Top Secret Re
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
Posted by: Treble_Clef******** this one tastes just like the ones at the store.
List of Ingredients
1 fully-cooked shank half ham -- bone-in
-- (pre-sliced, spiral cut, is best)
1 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground clove
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1 dash ground ginger
1 dash ground allspice
1. If you couldn't find a pre-sliced ham, the first thing you must do is slice it. Use a very sharp knife to cut the ham into very thin slices around the bone. Do not cut all the way down to the bone or the meat may not hold together properly as it is being glazed. You want the slices to be quite thin, but not so thin that they fall apart or off the bone. You may wish to turn the ham onto its flat end and cut around it starting at the bottom. You can then spin the ham as you slice around and work your way up.
2. Mix the remaining ingredients together in a small bowl.
3. Lay down a couple sheets of wax paper onto a flat surface such as your kitchen counter. Pour the sugar mixture onto wax paper and spread it around evenly.
4. Pick up the ham and roll it over the sugar mixture so that it is well coated. Do not coat the flat end of the ham, just the outer, pre-sliced surface.
5. Turn the ham onto its flat end on the plate. Use a blowtorch with a medium-size flame to caramelize the sugar. Wave the torch over the sugar with rapid movement, so that the sugar bubbles and browns, but does not burn. Spin the plate so you can torch the entire surface of the ham. Repeat the coating and caramelizing process until the ham has been well glazed (don't expect to use all of the sugar mixture). Serve the ham cold or reheated, just like the real thing.
From: http://www.topsecretrecipes.com
Makes 1 holiday ham.
Instead of wax paper, I put the sugar mixture in my 1/2 sheet cake pan. It had plenty of room for rolling the pan, and didn't leave me with a mess on the counter.
Without the blow torch, I tried my lighter for the barbeque grill. But, it didn't get hot enough. So, instead of the blow torch, I put it under the broiler for 10 minutes. The sugar carmelized and browned. I turned the temperature down to 325 and baked it for the remaining hour and 50 minutes. This is simple and delicious, girls. You will look like a professional! Enjoy! Treble Clef