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PaPa Dom's Fun With Food

it's ok to play with your food, it taste better

I grew up in a small town in upstate New York in an Italian neighborhood with all the fresh baked bread and pastries, the homemade pasta, and lots of wine. Not, that I didn't care for the great food but I was more into playing with my food. Making this with it, boy my Mom would always yell "Donny stop playing with your food and eat". Well I didn't listen to her because I am still playing with my food. I have been saving recipes for many years some I cut out of newspapers, magazines; others I got frommy mom, aunts, and some are mine. I picked out the ones I thought you would enjoy and have the most fun with. So don't be afraid to "Play With Your Food"; It just tastes better when you do. So enjoy PaPa Dom's Fun With Food. Please give me a yell if you would like a special recipe I have many.

Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
APPETIZERS (2 )Sun 15/Dec/2002 13:09:11
FISHandSEAFOOD (1 )Sun 15/Dec/2002 13:39:19
SALADandDRESSING (2 )Sat 21/Dec/2002 11:09:17
SOUPSandSTEWS (2 )Sat 21/Dec/2002 10:51:06
SPICEandRUBMIXES (2 )Wed 1/Jan/2003 11:55:31
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Dominick F Capone III

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