A-2 Steak Sauce
List of Ingredients
1/2 c Dark molasses
2 Green onions, chopped
3 T Coarse Salt
3 T Mustard Dry
1 t Paprika
1/4 t Cayenne
1/2 t Garlic powder
6 T Tamarind extract
1 T Kitchen Boquet
1 t Pepper, black
1/2 t Fenugreek (Greek Hay)
1/2 t Ginger
1/2 t Cinnamon
1 tsp Cloves, ground
1/2 tsp Cardamom seeds
1/4 tsp Tobasco sauce
6 oz Rhine wine
2 oz Red wine
1 pt white vinegar
Caramel coloring as desired
Run all non liquid ingredients through a spice blender until they are a
fine powder.
Place over low heat with half of vinegar and simmer 1 hour. Add the rest of
the vinegar a little at a time. Stir in tobasco, wines, kitchen bouquet and
coloring. Cook 3 minutes to dissolve. Remove from heat.
Pour into crock and let stand covered for 1 week. Strain through
cheesecloth six times.
Keeps refrigerated, also freezes very well.
Recipe By : Carey Starzinger - BBQ Mailing List
Serving Size : 16