List of Ingredients
BScald two cups of milk in a double boiler; sift one-third of a cup of cornstarch and a half teaspoonful of salt with one-fourth of a cup of sugar, two or three times, then stir into the hot milk. Continue to stir until the mixture thickens, then cover and let cook fifteen minutes.
Beat the yolks of two eggs, add two tablespoonfuls of sugar and beat again, then stir into the hot pudding.
Remove the skin and slice three or four bananas into a pudding dish, squeeze over them the juice of a lemon, then pour on the hot pudding.
Beat the whites of two eggs very light, beat in four level tablespoonfuls of sugar and spread over the pudding.
Dredge with granulated sugar and bake in a very slow oven until the meringue is delicately colored.
It should take ten to fifteen minutes to color the meringue. This is most delicious when served hot.
Yield: 3/4 servings