List of Ingredients
VANILLA ICE CREAM June 1999 ( from : James Kirkland)
With the heat of summer starting to become oppressive, I thought some ice cream to
be proper. Add this with some Stevia Root Beer (see recipes) and you have the making
for a sugar free root beer float! Serv. Size: 8. Prep. Time: 1-2 hours
5 tsp Stevia Blend or 5/8 tsp. Stevioside
1 cup Milk
1 pinch salt
1 cup half-and-half
2 cup whipping cream
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Scald milk, stirring constantly. Slowly add stevia until dissolved. Remove from heat
and add salt, halt-and-half, cream and vanilla. Cover and refrigerate until cool. Freeze
according to ice cream manufacturer's instructions.
Nutr. Facts: Cals (kcal): 167, Total Fat: 15.5g, Choles: 56mg, Carbos: 4.9g, Prot: 2.5g,
Sod : 60g.