Sugar sub equilvents to sugar
List of Ingredients
Sugar Twin (powder- saccharin)
replace the amount of sugar with the same amount of Sugar Twin
1 tsp = 1 tsp sugar
Sugar Twin, Brown (powder)
1 tsp = 1 tsp brown sugar
Sweet N' Low (powder) - ( saccharin )
2 tsps= 1/4 cup sugar
4 tsps = 1/2 cup sugar
8 tsp = 1 cup
Sweet One (powder)
1 pkt = 2 tsps sugar
3 pkts = 1/4 cup sugar
4 pkts = 1/3 cup sugar
6 pkts = 1/2 cup sugar
12 pkts = 1 cup sugar
Sweet-10 ( saccahrin liquid)
10 drops = 1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp = 4 tsps sugar
1 1/2 tsps = 1/4 cup sugar
1 Tbs = 1/2 cup sugar
2 Tbs = 1 cup sugar
Zero-Cal (liquid)
10 drops = 1 tsp sugar
30 drops = 1 Tbs sugar
3/4 tsp = 2 Tbs sugar
1 Tbs = 1/2 cup sugar
2 Tbs = 1 cup sugar
Other Natural Sugar Substitutes:
( these are not sugar free- just different types of sugar !! )
Substitute 1 cup sugar with:
1 cup date sugar
1 cup Sucanat ( whole cane sugar with water removed )
1 cup Fructose ( this is not sucrose/ table sugar ) . Doesn't cause such a quick rise in blood sugar
1/2 to 3/4 cup maple syrup
1 3/4 cup rice syrup
3/4 cup barley malt syrup
1/2 cup raisin juice, soaked and blended
2 medium bananas liquified by blenderizing
1/2 cup molasses
1/2 cup apple juice concentrate
Other sweeteners:
Honey Sweet ( powdered honey plus other sweeteners )
Stevia, a herb from South America, 300 times sweeter than sugar! Search the Net for more info. Visit this website about Stevia info:
When replacing sugar in a recipe with above liquid sweeteners, reduce the liquid content of the recipe by 1/4 cup. If the recipe contains no liquid other than the sweetener,
increase the flour by 1/4 cup. Recipe