1900 Church Cookbook recipes
List of Ingredients
Mrs. C. Wilson's Bread Recipe:
For each 2 quarts flour use 1 tablespoon lard, 1 tablespoon sugar, and 1
teaspoon salt, 1/2 teacup yeast. Mix flour, salt, sugar and lard; then mix
enough of this into the yeast and water to make a batter--in center of bread
bowl, let it rise until morning; then mix the rest of the flour into this
sponge and let it rise until it is light enough to mould. After moulding, let
rise in pans, then bake. Use water saved from boiling potatoes and the bread
will keep moist longer.
Biscuit Recipe from E. B. Kerr:
4 pints flour, 1 cup lard, 1 pint sweet milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 4 teaspoons
cream tartar; little salt.
Waffle Recipe from Mrs. Geo. Harris:
1 quart sour cream, 6 eggs beaten very light, a little salt, 2 quarts flour,
large teaspoon soda dissolved in boiling water. Beat the eggs and with the
cream add alternately to the flour; beat well then add the soda; stir hard and
bake in waffle irons.
Poplar Chips:
4 eggs, beat light, a little salt and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Cut
in strips, fry in hot lard and sprinkle with fine sugar when done.Recipe
Church Cookbook