works on anything with a sniffer that lives above ground
List of Ingredients
Pepper Protectant
Go to the bulk barn and get black pepper (still in tact, not ground up already) and an assortment of chillie peppers,
cayanne peppers, and anything else that makes your eyes water when you open the big bulk lids! When you get
home, grind up the black peppers as you use them (they will be fresher and more effective). Mix the black and various
other peppers together in a sandwich bag, and then spread it in your garden wherever the dogs/cat go. They always
sniff first, and they will get a nose full of pepper and go away unhappy. You will have to repaet every few days for about
two week. The dogs remember not to go to your lawn because of the peppers after a few times. You will end up
spending as little as $5.00 or less. A little goes a long way.