Recipe Conversions Problems areas
List of Ingredients
Equipment sizes will change. You are not fitting that 72-6oz serving into the same pot as was suggested for the 48-4 oz serving.
Beat by hand may not be an option anymore which may change the mixing time. If the equipment is too large for a reduced recipe you are also in trouble. Always make the recommended size first to get the idea of what the process and finished product should be.
Evaporation rates change
The original recipe may have been written with errors in it. Errors become important what didn't effect 48 servings may create a total mess at 72.
And last DO NOT CHANGE TIMES unless you are dealing with something like evaporation. That soup will thicken differently as the size changes. If equipment changes so too might cooking times depending on how drastic the change.
KNOW your recipe before you convert and watch it carefully.