"The Bomb" Burgers
List of Ingredients
"The Bomb" Burgers
Servings: 10
Prep. Time: Approx. 1 hour
2-1/2 lbs. lean burger (lean makes for less shrinkage)
1 pkg. onion soup mix (dry)
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Cajun seasoning, to taste
Seasoned salt, to taste
1/2 cup beer
Split the beef in half. This makes it easier to mix.
By hands, mix in 1/2 the dry soup mix. Make sure you shake the pack a little before you open it so you don't get all onions in first half and bouilon in second half.
Mix in the the cajun and seasoned salt at this time. Not too much. Just 2 or 3 shakes.
When seasonings are all mixed, add 1/4 cup of beer to each half.
Next make your patties.
Cook on a very low temp. (Low flame for gas and approx. 2 on an electric stove)
Use your thumb to push a hole in the middle of the burger. (This will help it not shrink to bad and cook more even.)
Add salt and pepper as desired.
Chef's Comments
I like to use many varriations on these burgers. Different kinds of salt/pepper combinations work great. To really make them look great I use a pattie maker. Quick and painless and you can get them at any dollar store. These burgers are the bomb and are very popular with the men.
I would like to add that the beer has to be mixed in and that this is great for keeping the burgers nice and juicy.