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    Gelu I Muluni

    List of Ingredients

    2 lbs. water melon pulp ,
    4 Tbs. jasmine water (or orange-flower water) ,
    3 cups sugar ,
    7 oz finely minced chocolate ,
    3 ozs. shelled and chopped pistachios ,
    7 ozs. finely diced candied pumpkin ,
    1 Tbs. powdered cinnamon


    Sieve the melon, mix the resulting puree with the jasmine water and 1 1/2 cups sugar. Pour the mixture into the ice
    cream machine and churn. Mix the resulting ice with the chocolate, pistachios, candied pumpkin, 1 tsp. of cinnamon
    and the remaining sugar. Stir gently and pour the resulting mixture into a round mold (preferably lined with oiled
    paper). Cover and freeze for at least two hours. Remove the sherbet from, the mold and sprinkle with cinnamon before
    serving. If possible, decorate with jasmine flowers or lemon leaves




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