Beef / Liver dumplings [Plain variation]
List of Ingredients
1 soup bone
1 pound boiling beef
1 t salt
1/4 t pepper
1 onion
2 stalk celery
Cut Beef into small pieces [IF you do this right you should not have ot it should just melt in your mouth]. Put bone covered in water on. Add meat. Then salt, pepper, onion and celery. Cook until meat is tender about 2 1/2 hours. Lower heat and simmmer 1/2 hour while making dumplings.
1/2 c chopped onions chopped
1/2 c chopped celery chopped
1/4 c butter use to saute onion and celery
1/4 c shortening use to saute onion and celery
1 pound beef liver chopped
1 c bread crumbs
1 egg
salt and pepper
Put first 4 in skillet and saute to gold NOT brown. Add the last 4 ingredients at this stage. Mix well.
Take out Bone, onion and Celery out of broth. Bring to boil and drop the dumplings by spoonful into the stew. Dumplings should rise to surface. Serve at once. Serves 6.
Phil's note this can also be made with plain dumplings listed for Chicken. You want to add flour to the broth to make a rich gravy in that case. Add some Flour. Drop dumplings [leaving flour on]. IF the broth is not thick enough add some more flour or cornstarch and serve.