Butcher's Scrapple
List of Ingredients
READ THIS FIRST. This is hogs head scrapple. If you have never butchered or made anything like this you might want to look at the other recipes on the site. If you have problems with the thought of butchering and what is involved look at the other recipes. Recipe
recipe is my grandparents and great grandparents recipe. For cornmeal keep adding. My grandmother and most PD just add until they get it the way they want. Recipe by Candy Gusset
Separate on hog's head into halves. Remove and discard eyes and brains.
Scrape and thoroughly clean the head. Put into a large heavy kettle and
cover with 4 or 5 qts of cold water. Simmer gently for 2 to 3 hours, or
until the meat falls from the bones. Skim grease from the surface, remove
meat, chop fine, and return to liquid in the kettle. Season with salt and
pepper to taste and 1 teaspoon ground sage. Sift in granulated corn meal,
stirrin constantly, until the mixture is thickened to the consistency of
soft mush. cook over low heat for 1 hour, stirring occasionally, the
mixture scorches easily. When cooked, pour the scrapple into greased loaf
pans and cool. Cover and store in a cool place. To serve, cut into thin
slices and fry in hot fat until crisp and browned.
My family has this with breakfast. Eggs, homefries, scrapple instead of