Drop Noodle Chicken Soup:
List of Ingredients
Drop Noddle Chicken Soup:
Boil one stewing chicken with seasonings for two hours. Remove chicken
from stock and cool, then remove the bones. Meantime add veg's but no
potatoes (they seem to add to much starch). Once chicken chunks have
been re-added to stock. Let simmer while you mix the following.
4 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
8 eggs
Mix the above until you have to add just enough water to make some what
smooth. Then bring your chicken and stock to a rolling boil. Pour your
noodle mixer onto a dinner plate and tip slightly over soup and take a
table knife and cut of the raw dough into the soup and stir after every
cut made. After all the noodle mixer has been cut into your chicken
soup. Let cook on simmer for 10 minutes, stiring every so often. Then
your ready to serve.
My grandmother taught me this recipe and she made this for her family of
6 children during the depression.