List of Ingredients
"My family has a favorite supper casserole recipe that my mother's mother got from their German immigrant next door neighbor. That neighbor looked strange, and when she cleaned my grandmother's house she ran this horrid loud old upright vacuum cleaner that, as a small child, I was sure was likely to attack me. And that is all I knew about her. But her diet was normal. I still love gujem! I often make it with italian sausage instead of ground beef.
My mother usually doubled this recipe to feed five of us."
l lb ground meat
l/2-3/4 cup uncooked rice
l large plus one small can tomatoes
l green bell pepper, sliced
l large onion, sliced
Line bottom of small casserole dish with l/3 tomatoes.
Layer half the meat, half the rice, half the pepper and onion, l/3 of the tomatoes, rest of the meat, rest of the rice, rest of pepper and onion, rest of tomatoes.
Pour in juice from the can and enough water to just cover top layer if you press down.
Bake until meat and rice are cooked about 350 or 400.