PA Dutch Mincemeat
List of Ingredients
5 lbs. LEAN ground beef
2 quarts dried apples, soaked
5 lbs fresh apples, cored and peeled
4 lemons
1 lb raisins
1 lb currants, or raisins if currants not available
1 1/2 lbs light brown sugar
1 quart light table molasses
1 cup cider vinegar
3 cups strong-flavored wine
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground mace
Cook hamburger in a heavy skillet over medium heat, breaking it up with
a wooden spoon, until all traces of pink have disappeared. Meat should
be cooked through but not browned. Grind the soaked apples coarsely in
a meat grinder or food processor. Grind the lemons, peel and all. This
may be done in a blender. Combine the hamburger, ground fruit and
remaining ing. in a heavy pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer
for 30 minutes, stiring to combine well. adel into sterilized quart
jars and cool. Seal and FREEZE. If you were to can this it MUST BE
PROCESSED. When you make your pie put 2 1/2 cups mincemeat and 1/2 cup
wine or whiskey into crust and cover with another crust and bake 350
degrees for 45 minutes.
Here is the Pa Dutch recipe for mincemeat. This makes 8 quarts
Gut Essen,