Raspberry Drink
List of Ingredients
Rasberry drink, which is basically rasberry vinager sweetened to taste with sugar. You fill a glass one quarter to a half full and than add water. I've made some and my husband and I really like it on hot days.
Ah how little we remember from the past. This is a Shrub which our ancestors drank quite a bit. IT was very popular during the Civil War.
The recipe:
Raspberry Shrub
This shrub, mixed with water, was considered a delicious summer drink. It was also sometimes served instead of Port or other wine.
Raspberries 1 pint sugar to each pint of raspberry juice
Strong vinegar to barely cover
Put raspberries in a pan and scarcely cover them with strong vinegar. Let stand overnight. Squeeze raspberries through cloth for clear juice. Add sugar in proportion and
test for flavor. Scald resulting juice, skim it, and then bottle it when cold.