Rockhill Mennonite Church Piccalilli
List of Ingredients
6 stalks celery, cut up (do not cook)
3-15 oz. bags frozen sm. onions
6 qts. yellow beans
6 qts. green beans
12 red peppers cut up (do not cook)
16 green peppers cut up (do not cook)
4 tbls. turmeric
6 cans drained, dried lima beans
10 qts. fresh lima beans
10 qts. corn (cut off cobs. cook first)
10 lbs diced carrots
10 16 oz cans kidney beans, drained
1 qt. small pickles
3 Tbls. celery seed
10 lbs. sugar
6 qts vinegar
5 tbls. salt
4 qts. water
In large container, place vegetables, lima beans, corn, string beans
and cook them. Then combine with the uncooked vegetables. Cook all
the vegetables in the sugar, vinegar, salt and water mixture. Stir
frequently. Put in hot sterile jars and seal. Makes approx 50 qts.
recipe from a cookbook called: "Rockhill's Favorite Recipes" The members of the Rockhill Mennonite Church in Telford, Penna. contributed their favorite recipes for this book.