Sweet Pickles
List of Ingredients
Sweet Pickles
5 pounds cucumbers
1/2 cup pickling lime
5 cups vinegar
5 cups sugar
1/2 bottle pickling spices
Slice 5 pounds of cucumbers, place in glass bowl. (Do not use plastic or metal pan.) Mix 1/2 cup of pickling lime with 3 quarts of water. Pour over cucumbers and soak for 24 hours, stirring occasionally.
After 24 hours, rinse thoroughly with water and soak for 5-7 hours in ice water. In big pan mix 5 cups of vinegar and 5 cups of sugar and 1/2 bottle of pickling spices. Bring to a slow boil. Do not let the mixture scorch.
Drain cucumbers well and then put cucumbers in vinegar/sugar solution to soak overnight. Next day, bring mixture to a full boil for 8 minutes, then put into jars immediately. Ready to eat when cool.