Three Day Chicken
List of Ingredients
On the first day, after cleaning the chicken of course, you soak it in water seasoned with salt and place it in the frig overnight. The next day, drain the chicken and place it in a bowl. Fill the bowl with buttermilk completely covering chicken and place in frig for 24 hours exactly. The next day (24 hours later), drain excess buttermilk from chicken. Be sure it is completely drained to avoid chicken skin from burning. Heat oil to 350°. While oil is heating, season chicken with paprika, salt, garlic powder, and onion powder, coat with flour. Place chicken in oil and brown. Turn chicken over and turn heat down. Cook for 15-20 mins. depending on chicken parts. Turn heat back up to crisp chicken turning once. Remove from oil and drain on paper towels and there you have your 3 day chicken or better known as 72 hour chicken. Recipe