Goetta [German version of Scrapple]
List of Ingredients
1 pound ground pork and 1 pound ground beef
8 cups water
2 1/2 cups pinhead oatmeal (we used steel cut)
1 large onion, sliced *
1 to 4 bay leaves, optional *
2 teaspoons salt
Pinch of pepper
In a large pot with a lid, boil the water, add salt, pepper and oatmeal. Cover and let cook for two hours, stirring often.
Add the meat, onion and bay leaves. Mix well. Cook for another hour, stirring often. Remove bay leaf.
Pour into bread pans (size doesn't matter).
Refrigerate overnight.
To serve: Slice the goetta and fry it until crispy or just until heated through. Goetta may be served with pancakes and eggs, on sandwiches or in place of meat at dinner.
* Two teaspoons of savory may be substituted for the onion and bay leaf.