Threadgill's Banana Pudding
List of Ingredients
Banana Pudding
1 1 / 4 cups sugar
4 egg yolks, beaten
1 / 4 cup cornstarch
5 tablespoons butter
Pinch salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
5 cups whole milk
Vanilla wafers
6 bananas in thin slices
In the top of a double boiler, combine sugar, cornstarch,and salt. Add milk and whisk until smooth.Cook over medium heat until
milk is hot.To temper the egg yolks, add a cup of the hot milk mixture to the egg yolks, whisking as you pour to avoid scrambling
the eggs. Return the egg/milk mixture to the double boiler, whisking as you pour. Stir frequently until custard begins to thicken
and will coat the back of a wooden spoon. Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla.Stir until butter is melted. COVER THE
BOTTOM of a deep 2-quart bowl or casserole with a thick layer of vanilla wafers. Cover the cookies with a layer of thinly sliced
bananas. Pour the custard over the cookies and bananas, covering them completely. Cover the bowl with a piece of plastic wrap
placed directly on the custard to avoid the formation of a �skin�on top of the custard. Chill thoroughly before serving. For
individual servings, put vanilla wafers and banana slices in the bottom of each of 10 dessert bowls, cover with hot custard, and
proceed as above. Makes 10 servings .
In the restaurant we have to prepare this old favorite in little single serving bowls. It should be made in a large bowl and left in the
refrigerator overnight to mysteriously disappear by morning.Recipe