Deutscher Kartoffel Salat---Heiss
List of Ingredients
5 # of potatoes (red are best but whites will do)
2 # of sliced bacon
2 large onions-chopped
8 ribs celery-cut in 1/2 inch pieces
5 hard boiled eggs-sliced
1 + 1/2 cups, dill pickles-chopped
3/4 cup oil
1/4 cup cider vinegar
salt & pepper
dill -optional, to taste
parsley-optional, to taste
Wash potatoes well, boil them with the skin on, till just tender.
Do not overcook !!! Boil eggs, peel and slice. Slice bacon and
fry till crisp, set aside bacon till later. Remove most of the
grease from pan. Leave about 3 tbsp, add the celery and cook
slowly till half done. Then add the onions to pan and finish frying
till just tender, add the bacon to pan and warm through. Peel
the warm potatoes and slice into 1/4 inch slices, into a large
bowl. Add the pickles, sliced eggs, and pour the warm bacon
mixture over it. Add the oil,( add the vinegar a little at a time,
some vinegar's are stronger than others, so do it to taste ). Salt
& pepper
to taste. Add dill and parsley,- optional.
Mix gently, do not break up the potatoes!