Urban Legend $200 Salad Dressing
List of Ingredients
AND if you believe this one I have a cookie recipe and a cake recipe to sell you AND a bridge. It's a very nice one in New York.
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons dry mustard
2 teaspoons paprika
2 teaspoons celery seed or ground celery seed
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup vinegar
2 cups Mazola oil
2 tablespoons grated onions
Put together in the top of a double boiler and stir
well. Then place the boiler in a bowl of quite warm
water. Stirring and feeling with the finger to see
that it gets to less than blood warmth just off the
cold. Then remove double boiler and beat with a rotary
egg beater until thick. Put into a bottle. Keep in
refrigerator and shake well before using. Do not let
mixture get too warm. It will not thicken if you do.
Submitted to the cookbook by: Miriam Eaton
The story of the recipe
It was contributed by Mrs. C. C. Robbins, Chicago
Text: Mr. and Mrs. Robbins were taking a motor
trip last year through the South. At one of the
Southern hotels they were served a salad dressing
which more than delighted their tastes. Asking if
they might have the recipe, they were told to leave
their name and their address and it would be mailed to
them. On their return, they found the recipe with a
bill for $200.00. Aghast, they consulted their lawyer
and were told that inasmuch as they had ordered with-
out asking the price, they would have to pay. Feeling
that so costly a recipe should be shared with many,
Mrs. Robbins had copies made and sent to her friends.
Try it and we think you'll smack your lips.
From: Westminster Presbyterian Church Cookbook, circa 1950