Macaroni Soup
List of Ingredients
Into the soup pot went 250g (1/2 lb) lardons. What an appropriate word,
nuuh? That's French for bacon. It comes ready-diced & vacuum-packed for
salads. (!!!)
While the fat was melting, and the meat browning, I was slicing about 1 kg (2
lbs) tomatoes fresh from my neighbors garden. (Rather adventageous, having a
generous single neighbor with 3 tomato vines.) Just to keep the bacon
(Lard-on?!) from sticking, I tossed a couple of chopped tomatoes into the
pot. Then I added 3 cloves of crushed garlic and some crushed dried red
chillies. (Right, that's were we loose my relatives.)
When the bacon was sufficiently browned, I slid those chopped tomatoes into
the pot and popped outside to go herb hunting. I managed to identify sage,
rosemary and thyme in the dark, so that's what went into to pot. It
continued to cook, while I sliced the bread.
By then, the tomatoes were cooked into a nice stew. The entire prep took
15-20 minutes.Recipe