Batter-fried Dandelion Blossoms
List of Ingredients
Servings: Unknown
Classification: Contemporary
Nation/Tribe: Cherokee (submitted to Native-Cooking-L by Pat Talley, Thunder
Pick new dandelion booms--those on short stems--and rinse
well in cool, lightly salted water. Cut off the stem and close to
the flower heads, leaving only enough to hold the petals
together, because the stems and greenery are bitter.
Roll the dandelion flowers in paper towelling to blot up the
excess moisture, then dip each one in a batter made of 1 egg
beaten with 1 c. milk, 1 c. four, 1/2 t. salt, and a pinch of pepper.
Drop the batter-coated blossoms into deep hot fat (375
degrees) and fry until lightly browned. Recipe