Wingers World Famous Buffalo Wings Sauce
List of Ingredients
A frequent TSR contributor asked a Winger's waiter what the secret was to their sauce. He said brown sugar and Louisiana hot sauce but would not divulge the amounts or anything else. After a night of experimenting I came up with a dead ringer:
2-1/2 Cups brown sugar
3 tblsp light corn syrup
1/2 Cup hot water
1/3 Cup Frank's Red Hot pepper sauce (if you can't find Frank's at your grocer try Crystal brand Louisiana hot sauce)
1 tblsp apple cider vinegar
In a heavy saucepan on medium/low heat, melt together brown sugar and corn
syrup until bubbling for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add hot water,
vinegar and pepper sauce. Cook on a low boil for about 15 minutes, stirring
so it doesn't burn. The sauce is done after the amount has reduced and it
thickens to a syrupy consistency. It will thicken quite a bit as it cools.