Source of Recipe
�CLASSIC THAI� by Kit Chan
Recipe Introduction
This pudding, made from large pearl tapioca and coconut milk and served warm, is much lighter than the western-style version. You can adjust the sweetness to your taste. Serve with lychees or the smaller, similar-tasting logans - also known as �dragon eyes�.
List of Ingredients
115 g (4 oz.) pearl tapioca
475 ml (16 fl. oz.) water
175 g (6 oz.) granulated sugar (str�socker)
pinch of salt
250 ml (8 fl oz.) coconut milk
250 g (9 oz.) prepared tropical fruits
finely shredded rind of 1 lime, to decorate
serves 4
Soak the tapioca in warm water for 1 hour so the grains swell.
Put the water in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Stir in the sugar and salt.
Add the tapioca and coconut milk and simmer for about 10 minutes.
Serve warm with tropical fruits and decorate with strips of lime rind.