Email to Terri Recipe Categories: recipefanatic's HOME PAGEALCOHOLIC_DRINKS APPETIZERS BARS BEVERAGES BISCUITS BREAD BREAKFAST BROWNIES CAKESandPIES CANDY CASSEROLES CHICKEN COOKIES CUPCAKES DESSERTS DIPS ETHNIC FUDGE ICINGandFROSTING JAMSandJELLIES MUFFINS PASTA PORK POTATOES RICE SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUCES SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS SPICE_MIXES TIPS VEGETABLES Creole Seasoning Source of Recipe e-mail List of Ingredients 1/4 c. salt 1 Tbsp. garlic powder 1 Tbsp. black pepper 1 Tbsp. paprika 3/4 tsp. onion powder 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper 1/4 tsp. dried thyme 1/4 tsp. dried oregano Recipe Mix ingredients together. Store in a glass jar. Can be used on roasted or grilled seafood, meat and poultry.