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    Uses for Coffee Filters

    Source of Recipe

    There are endless uses for coffee filters; strain used grease, use as a disposable bowl (great for popcorn or crumbly cookies, etc), use as disposable food holders(think tacos & hot dogs), clean mirrors or glasses, use between your best plates/saucers/bowls etcto prevent
    scratches, use in iron cookware to prevent rust, use to make loose tea (tie the leaves in a filter using dental floss), or to hold spices in a pot of soup/stew, use to hold pop-sickles (make a small slit in the center),use to make an air-freshener - add a tablespoon of baking soda, use a twist tie to close it and put in stinky shoes
    or in drawers and closets,place in a sieve to filter anything, cover foods you are heating in the microwave, great as tear away stabilizer when sewing, or to repair a broken finger nail (use with clear nail polish) and as a temporary cold compress (wet with cold water, molds to any shape), use to hold individual slices of cake on a platter, and to hold the dry ingredients when baking (no extra bowlsto wash) and finally to line a potty chair when training toddlers!

    Save used coffee filters and use to cover the drainage holes in flower pots. Or shred them and mix with the soil for added aeration.
    Use to polish dark shoes. Use to make paper mache' items. If rinsed and then dried they can be used in place of paper towels to scrub most anything.




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