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    Fortune Cookies

    Source of Recipe

    Prep. Time: 0:45
    Yield: about 24

    1/2 cup all-purpose flour
    1/3 cup granulated sugar
    1 pinch salt
    2 egg whites
    1 tsp. vanilla extract
    1 tsp. almond OR lemon extract
    1/4 cup melted butter

    -Write fortunes on strips of paper about 3" X 1/2"; set aside.
    -Generously grease 2 cookie sheets; set aside.
    -Combine flour, sugar, and salt; set aside.
    -Whisk together egg white, vanilla, and extract; whisk in melted butter.
    -Sift dry mixture into egg mixture and stir to mix.
    -Pour batter by teaspoonfuls 4" apart on a cookie sheet; tilt the pan to move the batter into round shapes about 3" in diameter. Start with only 2 per pan, as cookies need to be hot to shape. As you become better at folding, you can make up to 4 per pan.
    -Bake in a 400 degree oven for 5 minutes, or until the edges have browned 1/2" of the way to the center.
    -Working quickly, remove from oven and scrape off pan with a greased metal spatula; place a fortune in the center of the cookie, fold cookie in half over fortune, then bring the corners of the cookie together.
    -Place folded cookies in a muffin tin to cool.
    -Repeat with remaining batter.

    Notes: Your first 2-4 cookies are probably going to look awful. Use these to as practice and to sample. Just remember, practice makes perfect!




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