Spicy Salsa
List of Ingredients
5 lbs. tomatoes, peeled, cored and chopped (about 12 medium)
1 lb. sweet green peppers, chopped (about 3 small/medium)
4 small/medium jalapeño peppers, seeded and chopped
1-lb. onions chopped (1 large Spanish onion)
1 cup cider vinegar (5% acidity)
2 tsp. minced garlic (about 4 cloves)
3-tsp. salt (NOT iodized)
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
Here's one whose provenance is EASY to trace: it comes from Ball's Blue-Ribbon Cookbook--published in 1992, that I found--strictly by chance--at a Barnes & Noble not 5 miles from where I live. (Who'da thunk it?!)
This is my favorite salsa recipe, next to Pace's mild picante salsa. I'm still striving to best--or at least replicate--that worthy rival. Someday, perhaps...
Prepare home canning jars and lids according to manufacturer's directions. Combine all ingredients in a large saucepot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for about 20 minutes.
Pour hot salsa into hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Process pints 15 minutes in a boiling water bath canner.
Yield: about 7 pints
Warning: When cutting or seeding hot peppers, wear rubber gloves to prevent burning of hands.
Source: Ball Blue-Ribbon Cookbook (1st edition)