Pineapple Puffs
This recipe was "borrowed" from "The Virginia Bentley Cookbook", a long out of print volume that is buried deep, deep inside my storage room, somewhere. Someday--when I excavate--I plan to post a lot more recipes from this wonderful cookbook. In the meantime, I hope you'll try this recipe, because it truly is terrific!!
1 (8-oz.) can crushed pineapple
1 (5-oz.) pkg. Stella d'Oro Anginetti cookies
1 (3-oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened
1 cup Cool Whip non-dairy topping
Drain pineapple in strainer. Do NOT press out juice. Cut cookies in half, crosswise, using a serrated knife. Mix cream cheese and Cool Whip together thoroughly. Add pineapple.
With a well-heaped teaspoon of the mixture, fill the base of the cookies (which have an indentation) with the filling. Press the tops of all the cookies firmly onto filled puffs.
Arrange completed cookies in a covered container and keep refrigerated until ready to serve.