Ron's Corn Dogs
List of Ingredients
1/2 cup yellow cornmeal
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp. dry mustard
1/2 tsp. salt
1 egg, lightly beaten
6 skewers or sticks
6 frankfurters
1 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 cup milk
1 Tbsp. melted shortening
OK...I admit it...these are no more MY corn dogs than the man in the moon. But I found this recipe so long ago that its origins are lost in the mists of time. (Bet you didn't know I had a poetic streak, eh?)
In any case, call them what you will, but these are pretty darn good eating, if I do say so myself. (And I DO!)
Combine the cornmeal, flour, sugar, mustard, baking powder and salt, mixing well. Add the milk, egg and shortening, mixing until very smooth. Pour the mixture into a tall glass. Put the frankfurters on sticks. Dip them into the cornmeal batter to coat them evenly.
Deep fry in oil heated to 375� F. until golden brown--about two minutes. Drain on paper towels.
6 servings