Grilled Skate
If skate is available in your area give this recipe a try. Although once looked at as an annoying pest that was difficult to remove from your fish hook, it is now definitely beginning to find a place in the seafood market.
1 lb pan-ready skate fillets
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp orange juice
1 Tbsp oil
1 Tbsp catsup
1 Tbsp minced fresh parsley
1 small garlic clove, minced
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp dried oregaon, crumbled
1/4 tsp freshly ground black
Cut skate into squares measuring about 1 inch. In a zipper top plastic bag, combine all remaining ingredients. Add skate, seal bag and marinate in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Preheat broiler or barbecue grill. Place skate on rack or grill positioned about 4-inches form heat source. Cook for 6-8 minutes. after 3 minutes, brush the top with some of the marinade, turn pieces over and continue to cook until pieces flake easily when tested with a fork. Serve immediately. Makes 4 servings. Menu suggestion: Serve with basmati rice, orante-radish salad with scallions, and grilled sesame green beans or asparagus.