List of Ingredients
4 pasilla (also called poblano) peppers
1/2 can black beans
1/3 diced red or green bell pepper
1/3 cup finely diced onion
1 tablespoon olive oil
grated Parmesan cheese
Heat broiler in oven. Roast pasilla pepper under broiler until lightly blackened and blistered. Place peppers in paper sack and seal. Let them sweat and cool for 15 minutes Meanwhile, saute onion and bell pepper in sauce pan until soft. Add black beans and mash a small portion of them.
Heat veggies and reserve.
Peel blackened skin off pasillas. Gently remove stem and butterfly open, scraping out seeds. Stuff with veggie mixture and roll up. Grate small amount of parmesan cheese over peppers and broil until cheese melts.