Email to Lori Merrick Recipe Categories: semisweet's HOME PAGEBEVERAGES BREAD BREAKFAST COOKIES DESSERTS EGGS ETHNIC Gelatin-BasedSalads Halloween JAMSandJELLIES POTATOES RICE SANDWICHES SEAFOOD-SHRIMP SOUPSandSTEWS SWEETROLLS Onion Soup This is a recipe that I originally got from Paula. It's easy and delicious. Enjoy! List of Ingredients 3 medium onions, sliced 1/4 cup butter 4 cups water 5 beef bouillon cubes 1 tsp. Worchestershire Sauce Dash of pepper Provolone cheese, one slice for each serving Instructions Saute' onions in 1/4 cup. butter for 5-10 minutes. Add water, bouillon cubes and Worchestershire souce. Simmer for 1 hour. Place in serving bowls and top each bowl with one slice of provolone cheese. Final Comments You could substitute 4 cups of beef broth for the 4 cups of water and 5 beef bouillon cubes.
This is a recipe that I originally got from Paula. It's easy and delicious. Enjoy!