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Karen's ( careful carb) Country Kitchen

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" 1 Cor. 10:31

Welcome to my recipe page! Hope you find something you like and you enjoy your stay. You will find low carb recipes that will fit just about any low carb plan. I have also included "Maker's Diet" and "Nourishing Traditions" type recipes. Just about any of the recipes can be modified. Thanks for visiting and don't forget to sign my guest book each time you visit. Feel free to pass along a good lc recipe to be added here as well. If you notice an error in regards to the source of the recipe or a typo, please let me know so that I may make the proper corrections. Happy healthy cooking! In Christ, Karen

Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
APPETIZERS (114 )Mon 15/Oct/2007 16:35:50
BBQ (18 )Fri 14/Oct/2005 15:51:32
BEEF (106 )Mon 15/Oct/2007 16:37:18
BEVERAGES (53 )Thu 9/Aug/2007 16:53:54
BREAD (76 )Mon 15/Oct/2007 16:34:54
BREAKFAST (84 )Mon 20/Aug/2007 17:52:33
BodyCare (10 )Wed 21/Dec/2005 11:10:13
CAKESandPIES (73 )Tue 5/Jun/2007 06:17:18
CANDY (11 )Wed 25/Apr/2007 17:13:24
CASSEROLES (104 )Sun 8/Jul/2007 15:59:12
COOKIES (83 )Mon 15/Oct/2007 16:43:20
CROCKPOT (68 )Thu 9/Aug/2007 16:52:07
Cleaners (18 )Thu 13/Jul/2006 12:48:49
DESSERTS (85 )Wed 8/Aug/2007 06:57:56
DIPSSPREADS (7 )Tue 31/Jul/2007 17:57:50
Dairy (10 )Mon 7/May/2007 17:57:59
EGGS (36 )Tue 29/May/2007 18:28:41
ETHNIC (19 )Mon 7/May/2007 18:05:36
FISHandSEAFOOD (70 )Thu 9/Aug/2007 16:55:58
FRUIT (8 )Mon 15/Oct/2007 16:32:25
FrostingsToppings (2 )Thu 21/Sep/2006 18:13:16
HelpfulHints (6 )Thu 11/May/2006 14:04:14
HomemadeSeasonings (22 )Tue 5/Jun/2007 06:21:45
INFO (11 )Tue 29/May/2007 18:24:58
JustForLaughs (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:40:08
KEFIR (57 )Sat 20/Aug/2005 14:22:31
LAMB (11 )Tue 1/May/2007 15:08:41
MARINADES (2 )Wed 25/Apr/2007 17:20:03
MEATS (17 )Sun 8/Jul/2007 16:05:22
PASTA (11 )Mon 28/Feb/2005 14:19:12
PASTRIES (1 )Thu 9/Oct/2003 17:42:10
PIZZA (18 )Wed 8/Aug/2007 07:02:00
POULTRY (131 )Mon 15/Oct/2007 16:41:59
Pets (1 )Mon 22/Jan/2007 08:34:40
Pork (52 )Thu 2/Aug/2007 16:45:34
RICE (1 )Wed 21/Dec/2005 11:02:43
Remedies (8 )Fri 14/Oct/2005 15:54:38
SALADandDRESSING (136 )Mon 20/Aug/2007 17:53:35
SANDWICHES (15 )Wed 25/Apr/2007 16:56:43
SAUCES (20 )Tue 1/May/2007 15:16:35
SIDEDISHES (60 )Sun 24/Jun/2007 17:25:23
SNACKS (58 )Wed 8/Aug/2007 07:12:45
SOUPSandSTEWS (96 )Mon 15/Oct/2007 16:33:40
STIRFRY (5 )Fri 18/May/2007 08:47:57
Substitutions (4 )Tue 25/Jan/2005 20:01:53
VEAL (4 )Wed 25/Apr/2007 16:53:44
VEGETABLES (133 )Mon 15/Oct/2007 16:40:43
condiments (28 )Wed 8/Aug/2007 06:59:15
Browse ALL Recipes
Total Number of Recipes1964

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