Birgit's "Not" Oatmeal
Source of Recipe
Rani M.
List of Ingredients
100 g Crude Wheat Bran (I whizzed mine in the coffee
grinder to make a fine powder - you can just leave it as it is though
... I just like my hot cereal as smooth and creamy as possible)1.8 cups
190 g Flaxseed meal -- 1.8 cups
150 g soy/whey protein isolate (sifted) -- 1 cup
Mix it all together and keep in a jar.
This mixture is enough for 10 servings.
To prepare take 1/2 cup of this "not oatmeal" mix and add about 3/4 cup
of water (will probably depend on how thick or thin you like your
oatmeal). Microwave for about 2 minutes on high (depending on your
microwave) until it is thick and bubbly (careful though ... it can boil over
a split second). Stir and let it sit for a minute of so. Serve with
heavy cream and davinci syrup of choice ...or cream and cinnamon and
granular splenda ... or or or
I find 1/2 cup way too much and usually go with 1/4 cup of mix and 1/3
(and a couple of tbsps) of a cup of water - it is very filling! I
couldn't believe how close to actual oatmeal this tasted !! With winter
coming up I am so glad this worked ... and at only 2g ecc per HUGE serving
! And you fiber-needing-guys out there - this is the ticket (to the
bathroom ??!! hahaha )
Nutritional info per one 1/2 cup serving of mix according to life form
Carbs 12g, Fiber 10g. Protein 18g If you go with the 1/4 cup serving
like me - half the counts above and your mix
will last for 20 servings. Will only take 1 and a bit minutes in the
microwave for the lesser serving.