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    coconut delight

    Source of Recipe

    I make this "candy" called coconut delight which is one part
    coconut oil and one part dried coconut and 1/2 part almond crispy nuts
    ground. It's very easy: you melt the coconut oil until it is a liquid,
    mix the dried coconut and the ground almonds in with it, place all this
    in a flat oblong pan and put it all in the fridge for about 30 minutes
    and presto!--candy!!!!

    It tastes really sweet, yet has no sugar. You could add chocolate in
    with the mix or another kind of nut or no nuts and no chocolate or you
    could flavor it a bit with an essential oil. I eat a few pieces of this
    a day and this how I get my coconut oil along with cooking with it and
    putting it on my cereal. etc.

    It tastes really good and makes a good snack or desert.

    I buy my coconut products from Wilderness Family. They are not sweet,
    but their products are, well, to die for. I can eat their oil straight
    it is so good.

    - AMY




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