Quick Kefir Sourdough Bread
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
Fermented Kefir milk works very well for making a sourdough starter. It is also quicker and simpler to make than the special milk-free Kefir sourdough starter. Unlike some touchy starters this one is simple and reliable. All you need to have is a continuous supply of kefir, which is not at all difficult once of have got your own grains.
List of Ingredients
2 cups unbleached all purpose flour
about 2/3 cup kefir
Add enough kefir to your flour in order to make a nice kneading bread dough. Knead until the dough is elastic and smooth. Place in a bowl, cover with cling plastic wrap and leave overnight in a warm place. Next day, when the dough is well risen and before it collapses, knock it down and go to the next step.
Yield � 3 loaves
5 cups spelt flour
3 cups unbleached all purpose or bread flour
1 tablespoon sea salt
1 package (7oz) Instant SAF yeast
3 slugs of good olive oil
1 teaspoon honey
1 cup warm water
Oven at 220� C, 425� F, gas mark 7.
Move your starter to a large bowl and add to it the flours, salt, yeast, honey and oil. Slowly add enough water to obtain a good kneading dough. Knead vigorously until the dough is soft and elastic. Cover with plastic or damp cloth, and leave to rise in a warm place until doubled. Knock down, divide in three equal portions, put them in well oiled bread baking pans. Cover again, this time with oiled �cling� plastic wrap so that when you remove it doesn't stick to the dough and deflate it. When well risen, remove the cling wrap and bake in a very hot oven for about 35 to 40 minutes or until it sounds hollow. Cool on racks.