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Kim-Chee Zucchini with Walnuts
Source of Recipe
© recipe copyright rjgainey
List of Ingredients
1 medium dried hot red pepper
1/4 cup peanut or olive oil
1 teaspoon dark sesame oil
8 young zucchini, cut crosswise into 1/2 inch lengths (use zucchini that are
about 6 inches in length)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon lemon pepper
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup black walnut halves or pieces
1/2 cup English walnut halves or pieces
Soak the pepper in luke-warm water for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Remove
stem and seeds and cut into fine pieces. (Avoid touching eyes and other
skin areas with juices from hot pepper, wear rubber gloves while handling.)
Heat a medium sized heavy wok over high heat until hot, add oils and add
pepper. Cook pepper until golden. Toss in cut zucchini and stir-fry with
pepper for 1 minute. Add lemon pepper and lemon juice and transfer to
serving bowl. Serve warm or chilled as a condiment or as a vegetable.