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    Taffy Apple Salad

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    One 15 oz. can crushed pineapple juice, well drained.
    2 cups mini marshmallows
    2 Tbs. flour
    1 large egg, well beaten
    1-1/2 cup crushed peanuts
    2 cups chopped apple, peeled
    One 8 oz. container Kool Whip


    I usually begin the nite before by dumping the pineapple in a strainer over a bowl and putting it in the refrigerator overnight.

    In a bowl,combine pineapple and marshmallows. Set aside.

    In a small saucepan, combine juice from pineapple, sugar flour and egg. Heat on low flame to thicken, stirring constantly. Refrigerate bowl and pan overnight.

    The next day, combine the sauce with the bowl of pineapple and marshmallows. Add apples and Kool Whip, stirring well.

    You can add the peanuts at this point but, if you have a family like mine, somebody in it doesn't like nuts so I serve them separately in a dish and you can add as many or as little as you like




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