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Recipe Categories:

    Potato Pie

    List of Ingredients

    Sweet potatoes were another staple I
    grew up with. They were fairly inexpensive
    and were great baked or put in a pie. Baked
    potateos were just eaten with a little butter.

    To make a potato pie, you need:

    4 large potatoes
    2 cups sugar
    1 stick butter
    1 pinch cinnamon
    1 pinch nutmeg
    1 store-bought pie crust
    or your can just line a pan with vanilla wafers
    1/2 cup milk


    Boil the potatoes until tender. When you stick a
    fork in them it should go in easy but you don't
    want them to fall apart.

    Let the potatoes cool and then peel them.

    Put the potatoes in a large mixing bowl and
    mash them thoroughly with a potatoe masher.
    Melt the butter and pour it and the other
    ingredients in the bowl of potatoes. Stir
    until well mixed.

    Whether you used a ready made pie crust or
    just cookies, pour the potatoes mixture
    into the crust.

    Put into an oven preheated to 375°
    Cook for about 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick
    inserted in the center comes out dry.

    I like to eat the pie while still hot. It's
    good cold too though.




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