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    Cake-Assorted Cake Tips

    Source of Recipe

    recipecircus/linda carnation

    Recipe Introduction

    Source of Recipefrom alicia's kitchen's new board

    To help cakes come out flat on top, for decorating, be sure to lightly drop
    the filled pan on the counter three or 4 times before placing in the oven.
    This helps remove extra air bubbles in the batter.

    A cake decorator's secret for getting really flat tops on cakes is to wet a
    terry cloth towel and wrap it around the outside of the cake pan (secure
    with safety pin). The moisture from the towel makes the cake cook more
    evenly. NOTE: You can buy specially made up bands for this purpose at cake
    supply shops.

    Placing a cake that has just come out of the oven on a damp cloth for a
    couple of minutes will help it come loose from the pan and prevent sticking.
    If it cools too long in the pan, return it to the oven to heat again for 5

    Give your angel food cakes a new look by marbling them with color. Just
    sprinkle a few drops of food coloring on top of the batter in the pan and
    use a butter knife to gently swirl it around, producing a marble effect.

    Adding a pinch of baking soda to icings prevents hardening and cracking so
    the icing stays moist.

    If you're having a problem with icing sticking to your spreaders, dip it
    briefly in hot water first. The icing will slide right off.

    If the cupcakes you are making are destined for a lunchbox, a less messy way
    of icing them is to split them down the middle and make an "icing sandwich."
    This way the icing can't stick to the wrappers.




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