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    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    2-1/4 c flour
    1 tsp salt
    3/4 c cold unsalted butter, cut in small pieces
    1 egg, cold
    1/2 c sour cream, cold

    4 tbsp butter
    4 oz fresh mushrooms, finely chopped
    3 lbs ground beef, pork, ham, veal, or any combination
    1/3 c chopped onion
    1/4 c chopped fresh parsley
    1 c grated Swiss cheese
    1 egg + 2 tbsp milk


    Grease the bottom of a 10-1/2" x 15-1/2" jelly roll pan with

    Pastry: It's easiest to make this pastry in a food
    processor. In a small bowl, mix egg and sour cream. In the
    food processor,
    pulse the flour and salt until mixed. Add butter; process
    15 seconds, until it has the consistency of coarse meal.
    processor running, add egg mixture; process just until dough
    comes together. If you don't have a food processor, chill a
    bowl, mix the flour and salt in the bowl, then cut in butter
    with a pastry blender or two forks. Stir in egg mixture just
    you can form the dough into a ball. Wrap dough in waxed
    paper; refrigerate for 1 hour.

    Divide dough in half. Roll each half into a 6" x 14"
    rectangle. Place one rectangle in prepared pan; set pan and
    pastry aside.

    Filling: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Melt butter in a large
    skillet. Add mushrooms; cook over medium heat 6 minutes or
    slightly colored. Add ground meat; cook until browned and
    until liquid in pan cooks away. Place meat mixture in a
    large bowl.
    Add onions, parsley, cheese, and milk; mix well.

    Gather mixture into a ball; place onto dough rectangle in
    pan. Using your hands, press meat into a narrow loaf shape.
    edges of dough with egg/milk mixture. Place the second dough
    rectangle over the meat. Using a fork, press the dough edges

    together to seal. Brush top of pastry with egg/milk mixture.
    Prick top with a fork in several places. Bake 45 minutes,
    golden brown.




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