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    Chicken base

    Source of Recipe

    > Canned broth (stock), homemade stock, bullion cubes/granules and
    base pastes
    > are not all the same thing, but they are often used
    interchangably. Whether
    > they're real, or powdered stocks, each one has its advantages and
    > disadvantages, and it's up to you to weigh the pros and cons of
    each type.
    > One type of chicken base is granulated chicken boulion. It comes
    in a jar.
    > Chicken base is also a concentrated flavor paste sold in larger
    > and gourmet stores. Many restaurant supply outlets carry them, as
    do some
    > specialty stores. They can also be bought online.
    > Chicken base is most often used for soups, sauces, and gravies,
    but there are
    > a lot of other things it can be used for. Other uses include
    using it in
    > rubs, marinades, and bastes for ground meat, flavoring vegetables,
    salads, &
    > salad dressings; in Saut�s & stir-fries; as a dip added to
    mayonnaise, sour cream
    > or yogurt; enhance
    > potatoes, pastas, rice, & grains or to season eggs, omelets, and
    > You will often see homemade stock recipes made from bones and
    veggie scraps.
    > You can make a better tasting stock by taking a chicken breast,
    celery root,
    > 3 carrots, one onion cut in half (not peeled). Put all in cold
    water and bring
    > to a boil. Simmer for 1 hour. Remove foam from pot from time to
    time; run
    > soup through a strainer, then put back on stove and cook until it
    reduces to 1/2.
    > The chicken can be reserved for another use.
    > The best product for making stocks, if not making them from
    scratch, is base
    > paste.
    > The paste products can seem expensive, but a teaspoon of the paste
    will make
    > a cup of rich stock. They're convenient to use; simply add them
    into warm or
    > hot liquids. They're more economical than canned stock, and
    they're also less
    > time consuming to make than home-made stock. One 8-ounce (1/2
    pound) tub of
    > chicken base usually yields 2 1/2 gallons of stock. This is the
    equivalent of
    > over 22 of those 14 oz. cans of broth that you purchase in the
    > The main difference between the bullion granules and the base
    pastes is the
    > flavor. Concentrated stock is actually a true bouillon. This is
    stock that has
    > been produced from bones, end pieces, and leftovers and then
    > Hence, its lighter flavor. Chicken base paste usually is made
    from cooking a whole
    > chicken in water and sometimes even vegatables. The result is
    flavor from
    > meat and vegetables-not leftovers. De-hydrating a meat product is
    one sure way
    > to forfeit the natural flavor of a product.
    > Also available on the market are fat-free versions. However, you
    should be
    > aware that the fat has been removed from these and extra
    sugar/salt has been
    > added to make up for the loss. There are also base pastes that
    are low in
    > sodium, and base pastes that contain no msg.
    > The shelf life of stock is also something you may want to take
    > consideration. Bullion cubes/granules have a shelf-life of up to
    2 years. If
    > refridgerated, the pastes will last 1-3 years; and frozen, the
    pastes basically have
    > an indefinite shelf life. Canned chicken broth is usally 18-24
    > depending on brand; and homemade chicken stock will last
    approximately 3 days in the
    > fridge or 6 months frozen.
    > Now, what do you do to substitute one for another? That's a tough
    call. One
    > major reason being is the different levels of salt in the many
    > products on the market. So you may have to experiment until you
    get the idea of
    > what best suits your taste buds. And remember when substituting
    > cubes/granules, the result is NOT going to be as flavorful as a
    base paste or a
    > homemade stock. Also when using canned broth or when using
    bullions, the amount
    > of salt in the recipe will usually have to be adjusted as well.
    > Personally, if I was trying to duplicate a restaurant-style
    recipe, I would
    > more opt to use a base paste. However, in most situations I would
    > whatever's on hand.
    > I've never seen a chart that lists the exact substitutes for base
    pastes with
    > alternative stocks. Below is a chart that I made which is kind of
    > guideline that I go by in recipes.
    > RECIPE: non-soup recipe that use a teaspoon or less of chicken base
    > SUBSTITUTE: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon bullion granules
    > INSTEAD OF: 1 teaspoon base
    > RECIPE: non-soup recipe using 1 teapoon to 1 tablespoon chicken
    > SUBSTITUTE: 1 teaspoon bullion granules
    > INSTEAD OF: 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoon chicken paste
    > RECIPE: non-soup recipe using a tablespoon or more of chicken base
    > SUBSTITUTE: 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of bullion granules
    > INSTEAD OF: 1 tablespoon of chicken base
    > RECIPE: In a small tp medium soup recipe
    > SUBSTITUTE: substitute 1 cup chicken stock (canned broth or
    > INSTEAD OF: 1 cup of water AND 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoon of chicken
    > RECIPE: In a large soup recipe
    > SUBSTITUTE: 1 1/4 gallons chicken stock (homemade or canned)
    > INSTEAD OF: 1 1/4 gallons water AND 1/4 pound chicken base




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